Lokmanya Pune team planned to celebrate the birthday of member-depositors who have birthday in the month of May in a different way. On Saturday, 20th May 2023 the birthday of member-depositors was celebrated in a unique way by cutting a cake in Pune metro on the Vanaj to Garware college route.

On this occasion, the family members of the members-depositors of Kothrud Division branch gathered for this event. The artist of Swarzhankar Academy ‘Aman Varkhedkar’ mesmerized everyone with his violin playing. After that many members- depositors and their family members spontaneously participated in this ceremony and performed poetry, songs along with flute playing and enjoyed the program.

Mr. Sushil Jadhav-Zonal Head, Pune Division expressed his best wishes on his behalf. Mr. Bhalchandra Kunte- Coordinator Pune Division of Lokmanya Society, thanked the depositor members for being present in large numbers and for their spontaneous response.

Lokmanya Society always tries to maintain a separate relationship with its member-depositors. We took a small effort to make the birthday of our members-depositors more memorable one’s and we will continue to this kind of events in the future said by, Harshad Zodge- Regional Manager, Pune division.

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